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Big Pip

Life and times in Parasite ?!? Subtitled: some lives and learns, seems we just lives. All entries Copyright reserved.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Lychee Season.

Our local lychee season is just coming to an end. So we made a quick trip up the mountain to a hill tribe Royal Project to purchase a few kilos.
Beautiful sunny day and still plenty of fruit on the trees, we were invited to help ourselves and pay for the fruit we couldn't eat at the time. [5 Baht, (under 10 pence) per kilo.]
The larger lychee, some as big as a large hen's egg, we could have for free because they were regarded as too juicy!
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Overseas Trip - Neverland

We recently left Thailand for the first time in many years. Ann won a four day holiday in the Netherlands from Unilever.
The children were certain we were going to meet Peter Pan.
We had a good time, but it was a bit of a shock to leave 40ºC+ temperatures at home and arrive at a windy 8ºC in Holland. I had forgotten what cool feels like!
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This lady & her friend were addicted to buttercups. Their milk was used to make cheese. Unusually good with mixed herbs and garlic. We brought some back to toast on cheese.Posted by Hello

Some of our mornings were a little early, after a late night and on top of jet lag, but it was all worth the trip. Posted by Hello

ith mixed herbs and garlic. We

Ann was over the moon about a visit to this flower garden.
Thank heavens for digital photographs, we took over 300 in this place alone! At least we don't have to pay for the developement before we can discard the dross. Posted by Hello


I was walking through our main hospital waiting room a couple of days ago when little tommy came rushing up behind me. He tripped over his own feet and came crashing down, grabbing hold of my trousers back pockets in the process and pulling them down around my ankles. (I think I am losing a little weight.)
Dilemma. Do I look after a screaming child first, or see to my own modesty?
All was sorted by a very pretty nurse who stood behind me and tried pulling up my lower clothing while I picked up and comforted the young lad. (She did not succeed, but I enjoyed her attentions!)
All this was in front of several tens of patients, doctors, nurses and nursing assistants., man of whom know the children and me quite well.

Up the Wall

Robin's new hobby is climbing. He seems to be worryingly good at it and constantly has to be told off for going up the face without his rope and belay in place. Posted by Hello

The Experiment

The children have now started their own band called "Experiment". It appears Robin, on keyboards, is the leader. Tommy plays percussdion, guitar and vocals and Robins girlfriend, Mai, is guitar keyboards and vocals. They have been learning various Michael Jackson, Robbie Williams and assorted blues numbers. It seems Robin is developing a taste for older women! Mai is a good little musician, three years older than Robin, 9 to his 6, she is the daughter of a local senior police commander. Posted by Hello

FlogS prawn

Very happy a couple of days ago. A frog has decided to lay her eggs in the lilly jar by our front door.
These bubbles have a very hard, plasticy skin protecting the eggs that are laid above the water. When the eggs hatch, in a couple of weeks, the tadpoles will eat their way out of their protective coating and fall into the water, where they will hopefullly grow to maturity. Posted by Hello