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Big Pip

Life and times in Parasite ?!? Subtitled: some lives and learns, seems we just lives. All entries Copyright reserved.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Sultan/Sultana Junior

These are the first photos of our new baby, taken on the 24th April when (s)he was about three weeks old. For the sake of ease, we are considering April Fools Day as his/her birthday.
He needs to be fed by syringe at three to four hourly intervals from dawn till about 9 or 10pm and takes almost 10% of his bodyweight at each feed. (He weighs 300 grams here.) Food consists of a ground up mixture of nuts, grains and pulses mixed with a small amount of spirulina, some hot water, vitamin suppliment and commercial (Heinz) baby food. It has to be made fresh for every feed.
He lives in a tupperware box lined with a Tesco's nappy and paper towels. Towels are changed at every feed and the nappy once daily or when it gets soiled. (Nappys are very good for little birds. They give the bird grip and stop them becoming splay legged.)

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Robin's Proud Moment

Robin is here receiving a special "Student of the Month" award for the month of April. The person presenting it is his teacher, Mr Joe.
This did not go down very well with the school authorities as it occurred about a week after the owner of the school started litigation against me, sueing me for two million Baht! This was because I have been trying for almost three years to get the school to serve healthy nutritious food to the students. After a final meeting with the owner and being told they would consider adding wholemeal bread to some meals, I got fed up and wrote an open letter to the directors and staff of the school. I was then sued for blackening the name of the school.
It had the required effect though. The children are now being offered fruit, vegetables and salad with every meal! These are things they never saw before.
I am led to believe the teachers voted Robin as student of the month to show their support for the stand I have been taking here.

The litigation is continuing.
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Happier Times

Dear little Santana enjoying a night out with friends.
The bottles in the background are all ours.

He didn't touch a drop, I promise!

The picture below was taken quite late on in the evening,
when it all became a bit too much and he couldn't stay awake any more.

Unfortunately, shortly after the photos above were taken,
I made the mistake of taking him to have a check up
with our local "Exotic Animals" vet.

The vet killed him by giving him a worming dose sufficient to treat 80+ adult birds.
He died within two hours of being given the first pill of four he was supposed to be fed
on consecutive days
This being Thailand, the vet accepted no responsibility.

May Santana rest in peace.
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