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Big Pip

Life and times in Parasite ?!? Subtitled: some lives and learns, seems we just lives. All entries Copyright reserved.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Recent Visitors.

Last baby photographed, after I carried it outside and before release outside our garden wall. Posted by Picasa

Tommy went to the loo and did his business. After his wipe, he turned to flush and put the seat down to reach the handle. This baby was curled up on the back of the pan!. I'm still having nastr dreams about it. Posted by Picasa

These are some of our recent visitors. The Multi-Banded Krait is one of the planet's most poisonous snakes. (50% chance of survival if treated quickly with antivenin!) I have caught seven of these babies in our ground floor loo within the last fortnight. They feed primarily on frogs & lizards, & we have just arranged quite a large supply of their favourite food! Posted by Picasa

Frog Spawn Update

Was asked for an update on the frog spawn. There have been about five further spawnings of frogs and toads of various varieties in the water containers by our front doors. We have seen several batches through their leg-growing, froglet episodes, but not yet seen any babies hopping away. This is probably because we are well asleep before they do so in the dark of the night!

One of the spawning frogs has a fairly permanent home by our front door. (See these pictures.) (S)he has been here for the best part of a year, or more.

This is our front door. Note the clock on the right. Posted by Picasa

Clock by front door. Posted by Picasa

frog at home in his/her(?) clock! Posted by Picasa

Some of our tadpoles.

Here is one of the big water urns, previously filled with lillies. Now home to many aspiring frogs, multicoloured guppies by the hundreds and the occasional Siamese fighting fish.

Quick scoop into a white bowl to show the tadpoles up! Posted by Picasa

Note the little baby in front of the arrow. Posted by Picasa

Froglets & Tadpoles Posted by Picasa