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Big Pip

Life and times in Parasite ?!? Subtitled: some lives and learns, seems we just lives. All entries Copyright reserved.

Monday, May 23, 2005


I was walking through our main hospital waiting room a couple of days ago when little tommy came rushing up behind me. He tripped over his own feet and came crashing down, grabbing hold of my trousers back pockets in the process and pulling them down around my ankles. (I think I am losing a little weight.)
Dilemma. Do I look after a screaming child first, or see to my own modesty?
All was sorted by a very pretty nurse who stood behind me and tried pulling up my lower clothing while I picked up and comforted the young lad. (She did not succeed, but I enjoyed her attentions!)
All this was in front of several tens of patients, doctors, nurses and nursing assistants., man of whom know the children and me quite well.


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