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Big Pip

Life and times in Parasite ?!? Subtitled: some lives and learns, seems we just lives. All entries Copyright reserved.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Rimping - Our Shop Heaven!

This is Rimping, our favourite supermarket. I was going to post lots of photos, and prove that we can even buy such British foods as Bovril, Oxo and, occasionally, decent marmalade. but the model-mini-hitler manning the entrance reacted most strangely to the flashing light and turned himself on, insisting he would "were" or worse if re-flashed. Camera therefore slunked in a funk to its baggie. Posted by Hello

The Party at Rimping

This is becoming an annual event; the Rimping Party, where local suppliers come to showcase their wares and local consumers are invited to, well, consume. For my sins, I have been blamed with causing it - I suggested this as a marketing ploy to Kh. Phairoj, the big boss at Rimping, and helped organise the first one, two years ago. Posted by Hello

Keep 'em Amoozed - or else

The baloon clown. We seem to have versions of these at almost every party, supermarket, large restaurant, shopping mall and even funeral. Seems to be the most popular way to keep the little ones quiet over here. Doesn't work too well though, especially when baloons are mixed with cocktail stiks as here. I find a pillow- and large glass of mulled wine much more efficient in the "Keep Quiet" stakes. Posted by Hello

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Just take a look. We do.

This was the view out of my dining room window this morning. Some rain overnight brought some green back, and the light was stunningly beautiful. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

All Spaced Out - or Over

A satelite photograph of our home taken probably about ten(ish) in the morning some time in the last dry season, probably on a Tuesday, about the only day of the week without clouds! You can tell the season by the half empty pond and the shades of brown. The little round white spot to the east is a water tower, as you can tell by its longer shadow. The square shaped brown patch to our right is not ours. Posted by Hello

The Menagerie!

The following are photographs of some of the animals who share our plot of earth. Most are rescue animals, having been given a home because their previous owners would, or could not keep them any longer.
I'm afraid not all resident animals are being shown. The household lizards will not pose because the feline pounce follows soon after, and they find the experience somewhat disquieting. The serpentine rodent removers prefer to keep their presence quiet to prohibit local female apoplexy!

Bunny here having just birthed her three kittens on my bed. They have all grown up and left home now, and bunny has accepted the final cut, so there will be no more.
Tiger, her other half, would not accept the comission to pose for the camera and disappeared in a blue funk, chasing a Jing Jok (Geckho) up into the eaves of the roof. Posted by Hello

The look - the Look

Nelson recently joined us, More about that below! Here he is averting his eyes because Ann just walked past in a state of undress. Posted by Hello

Birds of a fedder - pond togedder

Our geese by the pond in our garden. Note the young Siamese goose with two heads! Eats & excretes twice as much, but can not be caught because she always sees you coming! Posted by Hello

Jiggles, the canine clown

Jiggo The first of our dogs to be photographed here today is a rescue dalmation. Must be related to Tigger of WTP fame, there has never been a happier, bouncier dog.
He was shot back in about June, and almost lost his right foreleg. The humerus was totally destroyed and the leg is still useless for him. Still can't keep up with him though! Posted by Hello

Here is Willow, our little Shi Tzu house dog. At least he was a house dog until he really lived up to his name and left presents everywhere when Ann consigned him to the outdoors. Here he desperately needs a groom but is looking somewhat pleased with himself because he has just got away with lifting his leg on a chair leg.  Posted by Hello

Coffee & Ice cream

Doesn't last long! (See below)

Coffee here. Mostly Alsatian, walks a bit like a crab. Otherwise, a very bright, friendly animal and a very good person and guard dog. Follows the children everywhere if they go for walks or bike rides and will not allow anybody to come close unless they tell him to. Once guarded Kanny's bike for six hours when he left it at a friend's house. (We had to go and collect bike and dog, because he would let nobody else touch it.) Posted by Hello

Meg, something of a "Heinz 52" but mostly a mixture of Thai Ridgeback and Terrier is a particularly dumb and cowardly animal, he is a bully, like so many cowards, and regularly attacks his fellow canine denizens of our home. He has a very strong pack instinct and always follows where others lead, especially into fights! Posted by Hello

Dumbo - not much of a flash!

Lightning, our bright Rottweiler, has to be kept in his kennel when strangers are around. He does not bite, but they tend to be scared of him! Very much a one-man-dog though, he listens only to me. Posted by Hello

Dumberer-erer, Noise and,,, just don't turn your back!

This is Thunder. An unfortunate dog who apears to be somewhat mentally retarded. He does not so much as bite visitors, he tears them to shreds and eats them entire. Consequently, he stays in his kennel when strangers are afoot. Posted by Hello