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Big Pip

Life and times in Parasite ?!? Subtitled: some lives and learns, seems we just lives. All entries Copyright reserved.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Anybody for a salad, soup, curry?

This is my, and the childrens' favourite restaurant, although Ann is not so keen. (Not spicy enough for her!) Khun Churn is a vegetarian restaurant in an old wooden house and its garden.
The lunchtime buffet, as much as you can eat for 60 Baht, (that is US$1.50 or about £Stg0.80p each - Including drinks!) is the reason we go - and go early to be sure of getting a table. (These photos were taken at about 11:45am!)
The food is generally delicious and purely vegetarian, although they use some egg. No TVP in evidence and the most interesting use of herbs and spices! Posted by Hello

Buffet Posted by Hello

Short, bur beautiful

Back in the land of the living after a particularly nasty cold. These flowers were photographed over a 24 hour period from left to right, top to bottom, at 8:00am, 10:30, 12:30pm, 3:30 and 6:00pm followed by 8:30 the following morning.
The bush, I have no idea wha t it is called, is covered with flowers from the end of October until the beginning of may. They are truly beautiful during their single day of life, but rot away to a nasty black "squidge" on the ground. Maybe it was a mistake to plant beside a narrow path!Posted by Hello