April is the Thai New Year, Songkhran holiday. So the school is closed for a fortnight. (Thai schools are closed for a couple of months now.
We went away to Rayong, on the Eastern Seaboard. Cheap and cheerful, the hotel we stay at every year is only a little over £20.00 per night for our own chalet directly on the beach.
Our chalet. Beautifully cool under the trees.
Little ones loving the surf.
We had a fun visit to a fruit orchard, where we pigged out on all types of tropical fruit. Ann was inj seventh heaven.
My concer was whether a durian would fall as I took this photo,
Ann too loved the water. This was taken on the evening of our last day, when the wind got up and some clouds rolled in for the only time throughout our entire holiday. We had 3 1/2 days of sun and rain almost the whole journey back.
We went away to Rayong, on the Eastern Seaboard. Cheap and cheerful, the hotel we stay at every year is only a little over £20.00 per night for our own chalet directly on the beach.

My concer was whether a durian would fall as I took this photo,