The Bug House
This was a severely disappointing part of the Royal Flora exhibition. The Bug House was advertised to the hilt and was the only reason Robin, a bug mad boy if ever there was one, wanted to visit the Expo.
The bugs were almost all dead and stuck onto the exhibits with obvious glue.

There were several of these Giant Hawk Moths stuck in various unnatural positions around the small bug room. Most upseting as we have had a large number grow to maturity on the plants just outside our front door.

A grouping of silk moth coccoons, dead moths and a couple of live ones.

One of the few live insects in the place was missing half a wing.
This hornets nest was perhaps best not filled with live hornets. Although I couldn't help but feel the exhibition organisers could have done with a live one somewhere up their trousers.
The bugs were almost all dead and stuck onto the exhibits with obvious glue.

There were several of these Giant Hawk Moths stuck in various unnatural positions around the small bug room. Most upseting as we have had a large number grow to maturity on the plants just outside our front door.

A grouping of silk moth coccoons, dead moths and a couple of live ones.

One of the few live insects in the place was missing half a wing.

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