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Big Pip

Life and times in Parasite ?!? Subtitled: some lives and learns, seems we just lives. All entries Copyright reserved.

Friday, September 16, 2005


School holidays came and went; Gobby & Pung bringing great happiness by making their, all too infrequent, long flight from London to spend seven weeks with us here. Must admit to suffering the effects of cut onions for a week or so prior to and after their departure. Seems every moment of sheer joy must always be paid for with a tear or two.

(Photo above was taken in the garden prior to their departure, the one below was in the house.)
Gobby is now taller than I am, though thankfully not as big around the waist. Pung is becoming a truly beautiful young woman. She is the spitting image of her namesake grandmother. When they are not here, the little ones miss them so much it hurts.

“When can we go to the Airport?”


“I want to get Gobby & Pung.”

“Sorry, they won’t be here until next year.”

“Why, I want them to come home now.”

Above conversation, or something similar, takes place almost every two days.


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